The Step Therapy Program promotes the use of what we call “first-line” drugs for select medications used to treat overactive bladder, asthma and diabetes/blood sugar management. Within this program, you will need to show that you have completed an adequate trial of the first-line drug before the second-line drug will be available for coverage. If the first-line drugs were not effective, caused adverse reactions or you have a medical condition that may have a negative interaction, the second-line drugs may be eligible for you. In these cases, a special authorization is required.
Visit the Drug Inquiry Tool on My ASEBP to see if a drug you’ve been prescribed is included in the Step Therapy Program.
If you are an Early Retiree or MyRetiree Plan member, your annual Premium Statement and Claim Summary will be available in your My ASEBP account, under the Documents tab, no later than February 28.