Per type of prostheses
Breast Prostheses
Every calendar year (January to December), you and your dependants each have a maximum of $400 per breast towards the purchase of breast prostheses, including an additional $200 maximum per year for mastectomy bras.
Eye Prostheses
Based on a rolling 3-year period, you and your dependants each have a maximum of $2,110 towards the purchase and/or repair of eye prostheses.
Larynx Prostheses
Based on a rolling 3-year period, you and your dependants each have a maximum of $2,000 towards the purchase and/or repair of larynx prostheses.
Limb Prostheses
Based on a rolling 3-year period, you and your dependants each have a combined maximum of $15,000 per limb towards the purchase, repair and/or replacement of prosthetic limbs, myoelectric limbs and stockings.
Adults are restricted to no more than one replacement per limb on a rolling 3-year period. Dependants under the age of 18 are still subject to the $15,000 per limb maximum but are covered for more than one prosthesis per limb.
Join us on March 27 and/or April 5 for ASEBP’s annual Spring Retirement Seminars to learn about retirement benefit options, finances, and pensions.