Biosimilar drugs are cost-effective, “highly similar” copies of brand-name biological drugs whose patents have expired. Health Canada reviews and approves biosimilars to ensure their safety and effectiveness.
The Alberta government’s Biosimilars Initiative will soon result in the replacement of some brand-name drugs with biosimilar drugs, when possible. This required change only applies if adult patients (those over 18 and not pregnant) have coverage under an Alberta government-sponsored drug plan. The existing replacement list (of brand name drugs to biosimilars) is fairly small, with the required switch dates ranging from early- to mid-2022.
This change won’t affect your ASEBP benefits, at this time; however, if you have coverage under multiple plans, we encourage you to check what changes, if any, your other service provider may implement now or in the future.
Visit the Government of Alberta’s Biosimilars Initiative for more information.
Join us on March 27 and/or April 5 for ASEBP’s annual Spring Retirement Seminars to learn about retirement benefit options, finances, and pensions.