Our MyRetiree Plan offers Vision Care benefits to you and your spouse/partner and other dependants, if you have couple or family coverage, for a variety of products and services designed to help you maintain healthy eyesight. To qualify for coverage, products or services must be prescribed or provided by:
You can find your plan details under Coverage on My ASEBP or on your ASEBP ID card on the My ASEBP Mobile App under Vision Care.
Note that the following is a comprehensive summary of the official, legally binding ASEBP insurance policies and plan documents available through your employer or by contacting us.
Your plan maximums for Vision Care are based on a rolling 2-year period based on the service date you received the treatment, service or product being claimed, and the date the claim is paid in full—not the calendar year. (E.g. if you make a vision claim for $100 on May 15, 2024, that $100 will be added back to your vision coverage balance on May 15, 2026.)
You can easily track your expenses and view your usage summary on My ASEBP or the My ASEBP Mobile App.
Claims must be received by ASEBP within 18 months of the date the expense is incurred. Claims for expenses that are more than 18 months old will not be paid.
Eligible Vision Care products and services are covered if service providers have the proper qualifications for eligible services, no matter where they are located.
Join us on March 27 and/or April 5 for ASEBP’s annual Spring Retirement Seminars to learn about retirement benefit options, finances, and pensions.